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peace of mind on the move

REA commissioned a qualitative study into the state of global mobility post-pandemic and the impact of key workforce trends across The Americas, Asia and Asia-Pacific, United Arab Emirates, and Europe.


View Researcher Highlights and read The Executive Summary and The Study to explore how Flexible and inclusive HR policies can bring ‘Peace of Mind on the Move’ to mobile professionals and their families and build a workforce fit for Industry 5.0.

Following the Study, REA commissioned award-winning researcher Heather De Cruz-Cornaire to author a White Paper into 'The Psychological Contract' Blind spots, Breaches and Breakthroughs. This White Paper offers evidence-driven data from REA's award-winning thought leadership 'Peace of Mind on the Move' as the prism through which the hidden expectations of the assignee and family are illuminated so that costly global talent mobility blind spots are risk-assessed and effectively managed. This White Paper shares insights that will become an employer's most intelligent asset.

​Read the White Paper below. 

The Psychological Contract
Blind Spots, Breaches, Breakthroughs
The Power of Human Connection

Heather De Cruz-Cornaire 

MSc, BSc, (Hons) 

REA commissioned award-winning researcher Heather De Cruz-Cornaire to author a White Paper into 'The Psychological Contract' Blind spots, Breaches and Breakthroughs. This White Paper offers evidence-driven data from REA's award-winning thought leadership 'Peace of Mind on the Move' as the prism through which the hidden expectations of the assignee and family are illuminated so that costly global talent mobility blind spots are risk-assessed and effectively managed.  This White Paper shares insights that will become an employer's most intelligent asset.



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Somos flexibles.

Brindamos los servicios que necesita.

Nos especializamos en CAMBIO.

Entendemos que una talla no sirve para todos cuando se trata de servicios de coaching de reubicación.

Por eso personalizamos nuestros servicios para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Copyright 2020 para REA por PattiCucci

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Copyright 2020 para REA por PattiCucci

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