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career lifecycle


Transport your career. Wherever life takes you.

Change, in life, is constant.  Find your 'best fit' and transition with confidence with your skilled and empathic coach in your corner.


AVOID the PITFALLS that cause 40% of new executives to fail.

Get high-touch, RESULTS-FOCUSED support and partnership. Dedicated to your SUCCESS.

  • Learn a boss' expectations

  • Build RELATIONSHIPS with key stakeholders

  • Learn the REAL RULES of the game in the new culture

  • Build a TEAM

  • Develop a STRATEGY

  • Learn the specifics of the new business

MENTOR TRAINING | for Mentors + Mentees

MENTORS gain clarity on the various aspects of the Mentor/Mentee partnership from a mentee’s point of view so that they can approach the relationship with empathy, respect and understanding.

MENTEES learn to take charge of their career path and to approach the Mentor/Mentee partnership with a collaborative perspective. Mentees create their ideal learning plans and set S.M.A.R.T. goals. All BEFORE meeting with their mentor.

Studies show that when mentoring relationships begin without training, only 1 in 3 will likely succeed.

MENTORING programs can TRANSFORM CULTURE, IMPROVE PERFORMANCE and positively impact the bottom line.

Training can be online or in-person and topics may include:

  • What is mentoring?

  • What are the organization’s objectives and process for the mentoring program?

  • What is the role and responsibilities of the Mentor?

  • What is the role and responsibilities of the Mentee?

  • How can we ensure that expectations are aligned?

  • What does a successful relationship look like?

  • What role do key stakeholders play in the process?

*A full suite of Mentoring Services and Software are available through REA’s global partner. 


Create a development plan with purposeful and measurable goals.

Build and expand on competencies with our extensive network of executive coaches around the world.
Together you may:

  • Assess Leadership Competencies

  • Expand Influencing Skills

  • Amplify Organizational Vision

  • Execute Successful Business Strategies

  • Bridge Performance Gaps

  • Create Development Plan


Transition to your next job with CONFIDENCE. Hone your negotiation skills and EXPEDITE re-employment.

Reduce the initial trauma of termination with a PROVEN COMBINATION of professional coaching, comprehensive customized research, and state-of-the art technology.

Delivery options include WORKSHOPS for GROUPS and/or 1:1 coaching for INDIVIDUALS.
Topics may include:

  • Resiliency and critical skills for today’s job market

  • Repositioning yourself: developing your value proposition and personal brand

  • Creating powerful self-marketing tools and correspondence

  • Identifying your target market and creating a comprehensive search strategy

  • 7 Tips for Networking your way into a new job

  • Successful interviewing (virtual and in-person)

  • Negotiating the best offer

  • Navigating the first 90 days

Coach spotlight


ASIA | Singapore

"Think. Believe. Achieve"

An executive coach specializing in Leadership and Career Development, Ed's sincere approach and ever-positive attitude reflects his passion for helping executives and entrepreneurs achieve their fullest career potential.


EUROPE | Germany

"Sei Neugierig, Sei Offen, Vertraue dem Prozess"
"Be Curious. Be Open. Trust the Process."

Intuitive, honest and exceptionally good at asking the right questions, Elke is an expat with broad experience in Human Resources, Education, Health and Finance.


They're Trusted experts

Most hold advanced degrees. (Master's and Ph.D's)

Our coaches are award-winning, caring professionals with the knowledge and experience to guide individuals and families in career and relocation transitions.

employer focus



Drop in Employee Enthusiasm shortly after  onboarding. SHRM.ORG

Companies can do more.

"Onboarding needs to last beyond the first weeks of the job. Companies need to think about how they are ensuring their employees feel like they are valued and heard"

Rachel W. HR Executive

Let's Talk Career Lifestyle

Imagine what life would be like, empowered to try anything?

Kaitlin describes her experience working with an REA Professional Coach, how it helped her see her strengths, and find a new path.

Let's talk.

Select an option

Thanks. We got it!  We'll be in touch soon.

Interested in Self-Pay Coaching Services?
Schedule a FREE Call. OR, CHAT Now!


Nekeidra is a triple-certified career professional (Resume Writer-ACRW, Hidden Job Market Coach-CHJMC, and Human Resources-PHR) with experience in recruiting for international corporations to startups. Her coaching style is holistic, collaborative and results-oriented. She educates her clients on current hiring trends and how to use that information to make informed decisions. Her clients say they feel better prepared and more confident in marketing their best selves.


Nekeidra resides in Philadelphia with her husband. She enjoys volunteering, traveling and learning new languages. She is currently learning the Uzbek language!

Flexible icon

We're Flexible.

We deliver the services you need.

We specialize in CHANGE.

We understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to relocation coaching services.

That's why we customize our services to meet your needs.  

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